Each year Castro County Healthcare (CCHD) recognizes their employees for their years of dedication and service to the Hospital District. This year, CCHD had 115 combine years of service recognized at their afternoon banquet on January 22, 2020. On that day, Jolene Schulte was recognized for 45 years of service, Gloria Hinojosa and Hortensia Ramirez for 20 years, Jamie Blasingame and Vicenta Martinez for 10 years, and Benny Navarro and Cathy Wilcox for five years.
When you speak to anyone who has worked at CCHD, especially one of these seven who were awarded will mention the ‘family’ like environment that they all work in. Their most memorable moments and favorite parts of their jobs are the team, and people they have met and worked with over the years.
“My favorite part of my job is getting to be a part of a team that strives each day to help make a difference,” said Benny Navarro, Housekeeping Supervisor for CCHD.
Some of these awardee’s have held multiple positions at the hospital all the way from housekeeping, to billing and coding, nurse aid or ward clerk, material management and Lab Tech, even an LVN who worked in surgery back when CCHD had a surgery department.
“Looking back at my years here at CCHD through the different positions I have worked I have been blessed to work with so many great people, and what I have learned and experienced through my positions over the years has been incredible,” said Jolene Schulte, Material Management at CCHD.
Castro County realizes that healthcare rules and regulations are always changing and makes sure to keep all staff up to date on this information through providing continuing education. Many of these employees have grown and advanced with CCHD throughout the years.
“I have gained so much knowledge working for CCHD and continue to do so, because there is always something new that I can learn,” said Gloria Hinojosa, Collections in the Billing Department.
CCHD is proud of each and every one of their employees and cannot thank them enough for their continued years of service to the hospital district and to its new groundbreaking opportunities, with new facilities and departments. Help CCHD congratulate and thank the following honorees for their service.
The 2020 Honoree’s include:
45 years: Jolene Schulte
20 years: Gloria Hinojosa and Hortensia Ramirez
10 years: Jamie Blasingame and Vicenta Martinez
5 years: Benny Navarro and Cathy Wilcox