Castro County Healthcare hung blue ribbons on Wednesday, April 18 in support of Child Abuse and Neglect Awareness Month. If you drive by Plains Memorial Hospital or the Medical Center of Dimmitt you can see the blue ribbons on the trees in front along Halsell street.
“In 2015, it was reported in the fifty states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico that an estimated 683,000 children were victims of child abuse or neglect and 1,670 children died as a result of abuse or neglect,” stated on The National Child Traumatic Stress Networks website.
Guest speaker, Ashlee Argo with The Bridge – Children’s Advocacy Center in Amarillo, shared with those who attended more about child abuse and what their organization does to help. If you would like more information about The Bridge, or how you can get involved, you can view their website at:
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